Thursday, October 29, 2009

I stand corrected!

So it turns out my attempt at multi-tasking this week hasn't been so successfull! I have way to much going on and ran the numbers really fast. All of the percentages were correct but I overlooked that Clair lost 3 pounds instead of 2.
( I was wondering why 2 pounds bumped his percentage up so much)

The numbers on the side should now be correct, one more week to go people!!!

Good Luck!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

RESULTS!!! week 5

One more week to go!!!
As a group we lost 9 pounds this week! Much better than last week!

We didn't really have a biggest looser this week,
Four people tied with the most poundage gone!
Go Steph, Mike, Jess and Clair!
They each lost 2 pounds this week!!

Here is to a good last week!

Looks like I'm still having computer problems, it won't let me post the percentages down the side!
For those dying to know the person in the lead is.....
CLAIR 7.0% weight loss!

second: Mike 6.2%
third: Nicole 6.0%


Amber has been trying all morning to post and let us all know that she will have the results up a little later today. Her computer has not been updating the posts on the blog for some reason. I am going to give this a try and see if it will post from my computer :)

Here's to good health!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Ok I am so frustrated. I have worked out so hard have not had sugar/sweets or breads/pasta and I can not lose one pound in 2 weeks. Does anyone have any ideas for me. I know they say the last 10 lbs is the hardest but I didn't think it would be this difficult. I am even just trying to lose one more pound at this point. If you do have any ideas or have heard of anything that has worked for someone please let me know.
Thanks so much, I hope you all did excellent this past week. On to the final week we come.
We can all do it. NO Halloween Candy. So tempting but we really don't need it.
Take care,

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Have No Self Control!!

EEK! I get all motivated after each weigh in when I see that I'm not the loser that I dream of being then..... a cookie strolls into my life.
My latest attempt at being a bigger loser is to try out the Engine 2 meal plan. Its a vegan diet (don't stop reading just yet) but is filled w/ really good recipies that are low fat and pretty low cal. Some of my friends have tried it and even their kids/husbands liked the food. I'm trying it out this week and guess we'll find out if it's working on Tuesday.
Until then, could someone keep those cookies away from me???

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Okay people let's get this going again! I don't know where most of you are geographically. But I live near Amber and she knows where I am. I am opening up my gym (yes I have a gymnasium, it's built on the back of my house) Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9:00ish. I work out to Leslie Sansone and some form of her Walk Away the Pounds. If you live close by and aren't at work come on over and let's shed some serious poundage! Come on People let's MOVE!!!!!

Week 4

Ok guys... this week: NOT SO HOT!
Exept for one person that is!

As a group we lost 0 pounds!!
(only 2 people actually lost weight this week, everyone else stayed the same or gained)
I'm sad to admit I'm one of the gainers!

The biggest looser this week:
MANDY!!!! With a 5 pound leight loss! 2.47%

We are down to the final 2 weeks, we can do this! I'm needing so serious motivation, a few others have mentioned this too.
Please Blog People!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I am so Excited!!!!

Ok, so for a lot of my weight lost this past week was due to being in bed for almost 2 days straight just sleeping. I was so sick. They tested me for the flu but the test came back negative. They still gave me medication and I am still sick but now I am back to eating. I really want to work out but due to having congestion in my chest I don't know what to do.
The biggest thing that I have improved on is watching my food intake. I have cut out sugar and minimized carbs. I eat the 6 small meals and I have found the 90 calorie snack packs have worked great along with eating almonds when I need something or try and go for the cookie jar I stop and think do I really need that or can I only have one? The answer is usually no I can't just have one so I go for the healthy snack.
It has been hard but it has been worth it.
We all can keep it up! I love this blog and reading new ideas.
Thanks have a great week and eat well.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Ok guys!
This week we only lost 11 pounds! (I am missing a few weights)
I had worked my butt off at the beginning of the week, ran a 5K over the weekend, then ate horrible Saturday, Sunday and Monday. (Shame on me!) It was motivating to calcutalte the numbers tonight. I'm hoping to do better this week!

GO NICOLE!!!! the biggest looser this week!
2.7% weight loss this week!

keep posting your good ideas!

I am a loser!

I am so excited that I am still losing. It's not a ton but at least it's something. Maybe when I actually start the Abs diet it will be more.... I finally bought my own book so now I need to go back through it with a highlighter and remind myself what I wanted to work on and especially the diet part. I have been making better food choices though. For example, yesterday we had a bag of cookies open. Instead of eating half the package (which would've been normal for me) I only ate 2 1/2 cookies. Yay me!
Today my 8 year old daughter asked me if I was trying to lose weight. I said yes and she said "Oh, I thought you were trying to do the biggest loser." Huh?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Week 2 Results!

I'm still waiting on 2 weights so your place on the list may change (sorry)

The numbers on the side column reflect OVERALL percentage lost, not the weekly percentage lost. This will reflect who is truly winning.

This week we lost a total of 27 pounds!!!!

The winner for the week: Clair, 6 pounds, 3.03 % lost.


Monday, October 5, 2009


Tomorrw is the weight in! Don't forget to email me your weights.
TIP: Choose a certain time each week to weigh, and wear the same clothes. That way things stay consistant. I weigh first thing in the morning. That's when I'm the lightest.
I didn't mention in my opening post that this competition will be six weeks long. Tuesday November 3rd will be the six week weigh in day! And we will have a winner.
I am wondering if I should do something for the holiday's, how sad would it be to loose this weight and gain it all back over the next few months. Let me know your thoughts on this.
Good Luck, I can't wait to calculate how many pounds we've lost!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I guess I'd better explain myself....

I'm Margo and I have a sweet tooth! Really, I love food and my expanding waist line proves it! I'm doing this mostly to be more healthy, I know that I will never be rail thin, but I also know that I can be healthier and in better shape. I'm a nurse and I work full time nights, double whammy! So finding the time to eat right and exercise is hard for me. Hopefully this little contest will get me motivated enough to continue on my own when all is said and done!
On that note here are a few little snacks that I have found that I absolutely love!

For Breakfast:
Yogurt Parfait
1 Kroger brand Carb smart yogurt
2 T Grape Nuts
2T Slivered Almonds
1C. Berries (your choice, I like blueberries and raspberries)
dash of cinnamon

Mix and enjoy, for something different freeze your berries and it turns it into frozen yogurt.

Another Snack:
1 Multi-Grain Wasa Cracker
1 Wedge Laughing Cow Light cheese
Spread cheese on cracker and top with your favorite veggies and 1 oz deli meat
(My favorite, sliced cucumbers, tomatoes and turkey)

Good Luck to All!


These delicious treats were delivered to my door by my darling neighbor Margo. Are you asking yourself why that name sounds familiar yet? Yep, you guessed it. It is the same Margo that is in this competition!!!! I have to ask myself, is this Sweet or SABOTAGE???? She so sweetly said to Mike "Congrats on the 7 lb. weight loss this week".

Now, I know Margo is a great cook, I have tasted her talent in the past. I just have to question the motive behind this delicious treat. And for the record, Mike and I have not had a single bite. Our two boys on the other hand are thanking Margo as they sleep with tummy's full of Sweet Rolls.

Seriously though Margo, we love you and THANK YOU for the yummy treats. Just wish I could enjoy them as much as Aiden & Drew have :)

Chicken Ideas

We have been using these to make our "mostly chicken" diet more exciting. They are cheap and we love to BBQ. You can also broil or bake if its a blizzard outside, but not much stops my husband from grilling.
The back of the package has other serving suggestions as well.
Brown rice, veggies and spinach salad make it a not so bad dinner!